
Monday, 22 November 2010

#1: A Lone & Long Journey, But I'm Not Alone. =)

I'm on adventure. 
I'm doing a journey from Surabaya - Jakarta - Bandung and might be goes on Jogja - Solo and back to Surabaya. I have only a week, so I had to maximize every potential things. Huhu. 
It's my 2nd day at Jakarta, getting late (or dawn) now and tomorrow I have a conference to attend. 
So, I'll tell you by pictures. Check this out.
Start at Pasar Turi station.
Thanks for drive me here, Kant!
My loyal & faithful partner, Locky tumbler! =*
Ordinary scenery from train window. This ordinary things made me miss of doing journey.
Arrived & picked by PakLemon, have a rest at his place and he cooked for me. Iyei! Simply delicious. =)
 I arrived at Jakarta on Saturday morning, 7.21am. Pak Ardhy a.k.a PakLemon a.k.a PakGuru Komputer when I was hi-school picked me up. It's been a long time not see him. When we met, there always a bunch of stories to tell. And so on, and so on. I asked him to accompany me going to Mampang Prapatan after lunch, going to mbak Lulu Ratna's house, the founder of Her husband is Beng Rahadian, a well-known comic artist. And found several things unique there, such as:

The 1st Hai magazine cover on the right side. Click to see it larger.
After doing the short visit at Mampang, we continued to have a walk. PakLemon want to go Sabang to buy CD of Kings of Convenient. But we stopped by at Masjid BI to have Ashr pray. And the masjid was great.

Big mirror on wudhu's place. Iconic.
I love this picture. Great. It's Pak Ardhy's back anyway.
The ceilings. Beautiful. The designer really knows how the lighting fit on this peaceful Masjid.
Ironic, when we were going to Sabang, the CD shop has bankrupt. Haha. So we went to Bakmi GM, recharging the fuel then went to Plaza Semanggi. Only got 1 CD of KoC, but bought another musician too. Back to Pengadegan, Pak Ardhy's place, because my cousin would pick me up to go another destination: Sentul. 

My cousin, mas Agung's place was at Sentul City, lovely place. He and his wife had 2 dogs, Shih Tzu type. I really love dogs, but at the first time, I came up with a very sleepy and dizzy head. So I just avoiding them But at Sunday morning, I already had play with them. The cute Willy & Elmo.*already miss them*

Willy & Elmo wait me downstair. Too cute to be true.
Just like a live version of doll. So cuuuuuute!
I just spent my Sunday with mas Agung's fam. Went out for lunch, and successfully spent my 5pm to 10pm by sleeping. Wow. Accumulation of my tiredness might be. At 10.30pm we were heading to Jakarta, to Gatsu, go to Devi's place. So, here I am, at Jekarda, finishing my powerpoint for my Tuesday presentation, and blogging for a while. It's still a long journey.
It won't be boring, I promise.
Because boring is so unbearable.

Vinka Maharani


  1. Kapan sih ini journey-nya? :D Masih berpetualang?

    Jadi, kapan ke Bandung? ^__^

  2. Masih dong.. dibaca yang bener ta Dek. Mesti kok ga teliti. -_________-"

  3. Hehe, jadi di Bandung berapa hari? :D
