
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Popcorn Rasa Anak Mas!

Ah, how ironic. After I wrote about the resolution of the year, including writing a blog-post once in every 2 days, I just absent till now. The sore-throat, period sickness and the mission from parents really ate up my time. Yes, it's all are excuses. I admit it. *hammer*

Well, today I won't continue my journey story. I'll do that the day after tomorrow, because I want to share my invention. Haha. It's popcorn with a taste like Anak Mas, the legendary snack in Indonesia. 

This afternoon, I just found Popcorn kernels in my supplies that I bought last month. I don't have any idea how to made it, because usually I made the instant one. You know, the small pack with the liquid seasoning inside. So I tried to melt one tablespoon of margarine, let them melt perfectly. Then I put 75 grams of popcorn kernels into the pan (I used 24 centimeters non-stick coated pan, close the lid). It popped after 4 minutes. I shake the pan several time for assuring all of the kernels popped. Perhaps you feel curious, will it popped or not? Yes, it will. Just be patient and try to bite your lips little longer. =D

All of my kernels popped, and it's already seasoned by the margarine. It's savory enough but I want another taste. I mixed my popcorn with Indofood's Cheese French Fries seasoning. The result is DELICIOUS! The taste is as exactly as my childhood snack: Anak Mas. You should try! =9

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