
Thursday, 10 February 2011

My HOTlist for This Week!

I love to share my point of view, my favorite things. And for this week, I have several things labeled "HOT". It means, it successfully fulfilled my days and my mind. No babble anymore Vinka, just show it up!

1. #HelpAlanda
I've already know this girl from years ago, by her writing. She got a bad tragedy, related to this country bad law management & maintenance. You could read my previously post, Surat untuk Alanda Kariza.

2. Pink! Videos
It's quite late actually, but I just know two of Pink!'s latest video. Both of them awesome. I always love the diction in her songs. And they always proud & loud of being truthful. Honest. =)

Pink! - Raise Your Glass

Pink! - F**kin' Perfect

3. Great Articles
Thanks God I found two guhrrrrreeat articles.
The first was Kakek Pram's, titled
Best Story; The Book That Killed Colonialism. It published 12 years ago in New York Times, but I found it is very essential. The second is Andy Kessler's, Geopolitics a la Google - Lessons for the world from a "horizontal" company. I read it in Newsweek January edition. Viva Horizontal! \m/

4. Poetography by Fajar Nugros & Hasan Aspahani
I followed @captainugros and @haspahani in Twitter, and yesterday both of them collaborate to make beautiful things called Poetography. You could read it by clicking the link above. It is totally romantic in a beautiful way. C'est tres belle! =* =* =*
5. Elle! Indonesia edisi Februari 2011
I feel like I want to do a special review for this magz.
Man issues and full of H.O.T Guys!

6. My babies from Kulkith...
Just got text that mentioning my new babies had already sent. Yay!!
Can't waittttttt..... =3

7. A Brief History of Time

Call me a lovey-dovey now, not only to my boyfie, but also I'm really into Hawking's book. Haha. I know I'm a communication studies (graduated) student and I don't look that sci-fi enough to discuss about physics, but believe me, I fall in love to his writing. Now I believe that love should be described in 4-dimensional, space-time unit must be included! =P

8. My HOTtie
He's HOT. Period.
=* =* =*

That's my HOTlist for this week. Don't bother to click every link to explore. Enjoy! =*

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