
Last Day


Finally, I smoothly passed today: my last day in International Office and Partnership Universitas Airlangga. I'm proud for been here. I felt the joy and hard works. I've been through difficult situation. Worked here, taught me bunches lesson of structure, system, management, fund and bitter reality. I've also dealt with many priceless chances. As my boss IGAK Satrya Wibawa said, IOP is my family. I could chase a new path, but still, as a family we will never put aside, and will support each other.
22 months was not short time either.
Thank you, IOP.
Early formation of IOP, 2010
Protocols, Partnership & International Law workshop, Batu, 2010. With all former vice dean 3rd. 
with Mr Jalal, at WisDom, Gajah Mada University, Jogjakarta. As exhibition delegation from UA
with ADFA University of New South Wales students, field trip to Pondok Tebu ireng, Gus Sholah's.
2011's New Year Eve, in mbak Dina's house. =)
very awkward photo =D, Prof Tjip's birthday surprise
a very bright dinner with Lyle Culver from Miami Dade College and Greg Galford from Chatham Uni. =)
with all girl-mates of IOP, as mbak Fidya's wedding committee.
Latest formation of IOP. Fun & Fearless people. =)
We do not remember days; we remember moments.
-- Cesare Pavese