
Daily Day


I'm getting busier by the project. Trying hard to balance between house-work and the project. It is hard, for sure. I even get a vertigo that I haven't had before. But still, I'm enjoying every phase of it happily. =)
You could visit Tobong project's website now: www.ketopraktobong.com. You could check the progress, everyday. And you could follow it in Twitter too: @ketopraktobong.

Anyway, being in work doesn't mean you should lose your happy time. I spent my last weekend at NgayogJazz 2012, in Brayut village, Sleman. I will tell you the complete story later. And I obviously explore Jogja more and more: new places, new peoples, new tastes, new happiness! For example, I have had dinner last week with colleagues in Kedai Kebun. Artsy for sure, because it is run by artist. I captured few pictures where they held an exhibition. Unique!
Book Play Project #01, this dragon made from paper!
The Dragon, closer look

"Frighten", It's only one word from a sentence. All of 'em were cut-out like this.  


Like The Page!


It has launched! The early step for bringing my-now-involved-project is by a Facebook page. I'm proudly introduce you: Ketoprak Tobong project. =)
Until next 2 months, my post will be including Project Tobong, I guess. Perhaps, a lot of behind the scene things also comes up. We haven't know that yet. But, try to give some  attention and participate fellas. At least, by clicking Likes in 


A Great Day to Remember


It's already 4 months passed, since the wedding. Life's getting better and better. Sometimes I wander with my mind and said to myself: this is how "mature" life that I wondered when I still a kid. Up and down, arguing here and there, and almost too many laughs and loves wraps us: 
my little world called as family

Obama's fate as a president destined today, but the only thing about him get through my head is how he told a story about family in Oprah Show. He said, after having a different status as a president, everything's change. He could not do anything he would do, what he usually did. Then he realized, how he should be thankful and grateful into every moment when those usual things could happen naturally. He used to walk and talk with the neighbors, walk with his daughter to the park and push the swings for her. He said, perhaps he's already made policies with many pro-cons, criticized everywhere, raised many doubt of being legitimate president and et cetera. But he's really sure, he wouldn't put it in his thought at the end of the day. He's prefer to remember how he spent his summer holiday with his family: walking up the hill while holding Michele's, teaching Sasha and Malia throwing pebbles in Maine. 

I woke up this morning, have my husband's writing in newspaper, inhale fresh air while going to nearby market, got an expensive-freebies-ice cream for my phone credit's buying, have big half of watermelon in my fridge, sun shines brightly and tonight I will watch JHF's (Jogja Hiphop Foundation) concert. What could I ask for more? 

I'm really sure, this is a great day to remember at the end of my day. 

PS: Kalau anda sedang ragu-ragu memutuskan untuk (segera) menikah atau tidak,
tontonlah video ini. Sampai detik terakhirnya. ;)


#2 RC


Sebenarnya sih udah bikin beberapa kue, tapi yg kebetulan inget bikin fotonya cuma rainbow cake aja. Jadi, ini laporan hasil bikin rainbow cake yang kedua. Udah punya 2 spuit, tapi kayaknya salah beli, karena ga tau fungsi spuit masing-masing untuk apa. Dapetnya ternyata untuk pola anyaman dan bunga/bintang. Jadi dekornya jg masih seadanya aja. Cincay lah, kata suami udah meningkat dibanding sebelumnya yg belepotan. Hehehe. 

Lapisannya udah lebih rapi. yay!