
A Very Tight Schedule! I'm Not Running. I Sprint! Wuzzzzz!


Ouh, sorry for my lateness in posting. I've been feeling so curious to tell u many stories, fellas. But, sadly, I do have to run in my thesis. Oh no, not run but SPRINT! My lecture just told me that my methodologies is not "Fit" enough for my subject. O Dieu, please. And she told me only in 10 days ago. -_-"

So, in my daily life it's just Book-Theory-Book-Theory-Eat-Book-Sleep-Book-Arguing Theories-Book. Yes, it's so bored me.

Today, I've been Campus, Faculty Library, Central Library 8hours. Fantastic, but tiring. So I give myself a reward with 2hours free time. There is an awful traffic jam out there, so I choose to sit in this internet cafe *not in my room, which is remind me with my thesis* surf here and there. Blog-walking. OooooYeeeaaaah! Lovely! ^^v

So I'll share you my secrets Fellas, yes, my favorite site -a totally treasure in this world-. Most of these are my inspiration in fashion, life, and many things.

1. thesartorialist.blogspot.com
     2 words: ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! *Me: Scott Schumann's assistant wannabe!* =)

2. seaofshoes.typepad.com & atlantishome.typepad.com
    These Mother-Daughter duo are amazing! Judy and Jane Alridge. They always have a wonderful taste     Beib. These are my favorite photos from them. Love Jane's skirt much!

3. dianarikasari.blogspot.com
    Come on, who doesn't know her in this country-fashion-world? Yes. She's one of my fave too!

4. houseofqueenp.blogspot.com
   One of besties blog. Love u muchos Poet! *I'm serious, I read ur blog regularly. U have passed the first criteria of blogger. Consistency! =*

5. benablog.com
 Huahua. This guy is soooooo funny! I've met him in HelloFest 6 which held 2 weeks ago. *I promise I'll tell u in my Jakarta's trip story. Yes, I will.*

My next favorite : Photodiarist.typepad.com

I dunno, but I love it. *maybe because my first impression in the first post. The guy is soooo...... SUGARFACE! =D LOL*

Okay, that's my favorite and my first-revealing-secret-recipe to face this world! 
Keep reading and u'll find more. =)

*my having fun time will end in next 15minutes. sigh.*


Glam Girls #3


I learned that it is the weak who are cruel
and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong.
--Leo Rosten


Glam Girls #2


When trouble comes, they come not in single spies
but in battalions.
-William Shakespeare

Hallo Surabaya!


Senin kali ini terasa panjang sekali... 
Bukan, bukan karena membosankan. 
Tetapi karena padat kegiatan dan semuanya berarti lebih

Pagi-pagi saia kembali ke Surabaia dari Mojosari. Lumayan capek. Nyampe Surabaia jm setengah 9 dan saia gletakan dulu untuk mengembalikan energi. Setengah 10 saia baru bangun, dan langsung panik karena baju untuk kuliah belom saia setrika! Di tengah setrika, eh kancingnya copot. Terpaksa deh jahit kancing dulu. Dengan lari-lari saia nekat masuk d kelas ManHum. Bad things sih, karena sebagai AsDos kudunya udah nyampe duluan dong. Biarin lah, yg penting masuk. Terlanjur berangkat juga.

Alhamdulillah, keputusan untuk tetap masuk di kelas sangat tepat. Materi tentang Etika PR bagusss banget. Banyak hal penting yang diajarkan. Saia paling suka yang ini nih:

Prinsip Human Relations
  • Memanusiakan orang lain
  • Menyenangkan orang lain
  • Memberikan rasa nyaman bagi orang lain
  • Harga diri orang lain tidak dapat dibeli

Citra Diri Positif
  • Apabila berjanji, ditepati
  • Tujuan hidup positif & jelas
  • Mengakui kelebihan orang lain
  • Menerima kritik dengan lapang dada
  • Tidak mengalami hambatan berkomunikasi

Citra Diri Negatif
  • Sulit mengakui dirinya salah, blaming
  • Sulit mengungkapkan perasaan dengan wajar
  • Berjiwa kerdil & selalu defense
Someday, I'll explain more about it. Now we're gonna move to another activities. Seusai PR Advanced Class, saia beli mamam dan pulang ke kos. On the way, beberapa orang memuji penampilan saia. Hehe. Adek klas ada yg nyebut KeTot. Kece Total. Hwkwkwkwkwk. Pasti atasan yg saia pake itu penyebabnya. Ditambah studded belt yang saia pake. Ada yg bilang heboh juga sih. Gakpapa kok, monggo dinilai. Kayak ini ni bajunya:

 *grey double ruffles tops - TP5 hunting, unbranded black voil & skirt, SISTER studded head band - wear as belt, black velvet shoes (ga kliatan), TEC watchwrist. 

Setelah mamam, perut saia agak error. Rencana ke perpus gagal deh. Adanya saia guling-guling di kasur sambil menunggu Sheila & Rida yang akan menjemput saia untuk cabz ng-eskrim. Jam setengah 4an kami menuju Zangrandi. But peeps, today, I really would not recommend Zangrandi to enjoy ice cream. Kualitas pelayanannya seperti ga dijaga. Dan yang bikin saya jijik dan ga mampu bertahan adalah lalatnya. Banyak banget! Euhhh.

Saia menyarankan segera cabut dari Zangrandi. Terserah deh mau kemana. Rida ngusulin ke Hallo Surabaya, She setuju karena menurutnya this place is so me. So Vinka. Saia yang emang belom pernah ke situ ya ho'oh aja deh. Penasaran juga, kayak gimana sih tempatnya. Kata temen2 sinema enak buat syuting video klip. Hehehe.



Glam Girl #1


"Say what you want and be who you are 
because those who mind don't matter 
and those who matter don't mind"
-Dr. Seuss

30 November 2009: Superb Day!


*mungkin sekarang kerasa uda lewat lama kali ya tanggal ini, but there is never being too late to spread happiness & joy to the world. These days is just awesome!

Okay, 30 November is Monday, it means I should being a lecture assistant in PR Advanced class. The agenda is role-play of product launching (with press conference, of course). The class rawks! Udah beda jauh ketika pertama kelas dibentuk. Feel-nya udah mulai "dapet" (nyanyi kali ya pake feel, ini PR Class! hweheheh). I mean, PR is a mix of many compentences: negotiating, organizing, public-speech, consistency, approaching, creativity & of course, style. I know, I ain't love PR as much as film/media studies, but I admit PR need a multi-skill and only versatilist could do this. A specialist just a pion in a whole PR-chess-game, and versatilist is a real player.

Ada beberapa kelompok yg melakukan roleplay dengan gaya yang menarik. Kelompok PR Consultant, PT. Fox Indonesia misalnya dengan launching PKB sebagai partai hijau. Meskipun ada kekurangan riset di sana-sini (how come Muhaimin sit in one stage with Gus Dur?) tapi totalitas pemeran patut diacungi jempol. NadWul yang model ituuu, pake kumis dong di sini! Acung 4 jempol Wul!

Setelah kelas yang menyenangkan,  saia langsung pulang ke kost. Dan a very big surprise waiting. U-kno-wat?

How can the back crawl?


Haha. Randomly generate sentence from Pay Per Post just tickled my mind. 
I don't have any idea how can the back crawl?
It feels eerie maybe.
Or it just crawl?