
Park Hunter


Saturday afternoon, sit in a riverside, share the earphone with beloved one to listen romantic songs, babble and chew the rag. 
Hmmm. C'est parfait. =)
And lucky me, I've just had it all. Plus a bunch of photos taken. Hehe.

I'm talking about a new park in town, you could smell the fresh paint on the fences, located in Genteng Kali street (Surabaya, fyi). 

It has a pretty long sidewalk, a very clean ambiance (I hope it will last). It suits to a family with children, because it has several slides and swings. I like the design, simple and neat. I'm sorry about the name of the park, it doesn't written there, so I don't know yet. 

Lucky me twice, there was rowing athletes practice on the river. 
I felt so "Social Network" at that time, being a Harvard and Winklevosses besties. 
#ohplease #uselesswish

Both of them blur. The athletes move so fast.
 Sorry for this additional photo. Suddenly I've become a-very-teenage-lover and made this edited photo. Ehehehe. It's frivolous yet droll, anyway. =D
*thanks for the beautiful afternoon, Cheri.


About My Blog


Quoting my favorite writer, about what blog does mean to me:

"These are personal notes, nothing more. 
There is no grand plan here; these notes are a stream of water flowing unchecked, with no thought given to their final shape or form. No doubt they are rife with redundancies which I would have found unacceptable under normal conditions."
--The Mute's Soliloquy: A Memoir, Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Treize, Je Deteste! *headbanging*


Haunted by the number of th1rt3en. Aargh!
The result of test, the business thing.

Ya Allah Gusti, paringono MBOIS.....



#CurhatEdition: Thanks for The Blast, Hope We Will Last. =*


Till now, I'm still smiling watch the texts in front of me. 
The expressions of people's surprise and felicitation for me and my boyfriend. 
Yesterday, I choose to publish our relationship, and he agreed. 
And suddenly those expressions came out and our Facebook account flooded by posts, comments. At the night, Twitter accounts. =D

At mine:
Satrya Wibawa is my boss, and Rendy's colleague at campus. So he really felt cheated by us, because he didn't know a thing about us. Haha. Gotcha! =P

At his:

We've already been together for two weeks actually. But after a long debate yesterday, --at this point, I'm feeling grateful that we had it-- I feel that I officially in love with him. I'm sure and I want to share this happiness among everyone. Voila, it happens.

When I'm fall in love, I want everybody knows. I want world knows, how happy and how proud I am, as his beloved one and him to be my beloved. Regarding to our conditions, everything seems easy on me, thanks to you Dieu. I've already know his family quite well, his mom accepts me very well, my family gives a very good response about him, my closest friends and now the bigger environment approved it. 
I think I do really smile ear to ear now. 

I warned you not clicking these if you sick to any romantic words. Gombal alerts! =D




Nasib saya punya pacar (calon) juragan truk, smsnya: 
"Dariku untukmu sayangku, 
kita bertemu berkat doa ibu." 

*do'a duo mamah Wid (our moms) memang sip. LOL

With his glasses. I think it suits me much more. May I have it? And you as a bonus, please? =P


Quote(s) of the Day: Me in This Year.


"I live my life without carrying an extra baggage, 
and walk on with just what I essentially need."
 - Diana Rikasari

 "The slim but not tight silhouette."
- Scott Schuman

Hayo ini jaman kapan? =D


Terngiang-ngiang: Empat Mata - d'Bagindas


Sejak perjalanan ke Jogja untuk pameran WISDOM di UGM kemarin, lagu yang satu ini sudah riwa-riwi di playlist teman saya, yang jadi playlist semobil. Selalu ketawa ngakak ketika lagu ini diputar. Ketawa, tapi ya lama-lama hapal sendiri dan ikutan nyanyi. 
Eh, 2 minggu lalu pas karaoke malah ada yang request lagu ini. Ya udah deh, semakin sukses lagu ini terngiang-ngiang di kepala.

Saya tidak pernah anti terhadap salah satu aliran musik, atau band tertentu, atau lagu tertentu. Jujur aja, saya bisa kok menyanyikan lagu ST 12 selancar saya nyanyi lagu Bruno Mars. Menurut saya, nggak ada itu aliran yang merusak aliran lain. Eksistensi masing-masing ada masanya, ada segmennya. Yang menarik adalah, saya malah tertarik ingin belajar main gitar (dengan sungguh-sungguh) setelah mendengarkan lagu ini. Sepertinya tidak terlalu sulit dan bisa dipelajari. Setelah pindah tempat tinggal ini beres penataannya, saya akan menghadiahi diri sendiri dengan sebuah gitar. 

Mengutip twit dari Wimar Witoelar pagi ini:
"A song is not a song until you sing it, 
atttude is not attitude until you express it."

Saya persembahkan Empat Mata dari d'Bagindas! 
Ayo nyanyi semuaaaaa.....
Hati ini.. Tak mampu lagiii.. lebih lama.. tuk memendam rasaaaa.....




Being honest is graceful, but not everybody like the honesty. 
It reveals the truth. 
The truth is reality. 
Reality bites you with its bitter. 
I took the chance anyway. 
I tell you only the truth, the real one, the bitterest. 
The thing is, you're too precious to get dishonesty. 
You're too precious, darling.



Balada Iklan Tiang.. Eh, Iklan Gardu!


Tersebutlah hari ini saya memulai berkemas-kemas untuk pindah tempat tinggal. Ternyata oh ternyata, barang milik saya hanya ada 2 macam: baju & buku. 

*keliatan kan*

Di antara setumpuk baju dan beronggok-onggok buku, nyempil lah itu monitor. Jadul. Dulu saya fungsikan sebagai televisi, tetapi 2 bulan saja sudah nganggur lagi. Saya lebih suka makan sambil baca buku dibanding nonton tivi. Walhasil sekarang saya mencari iklan yg biasa ditempel-tempel di tepi jalan yg menerima monitor. 

Ketika berangkat kerja kemarin, saya sudah menemukan satu iklan d pot tepat sebelah traffic light Dharmawangsa-Airlangga. Tapi karena terburu-buru, saya tak sempat mencatat. Hari ini, sembari pulang makan siang, saya berniat mencatatnya. 
Eng ing eng! 
Pot dan tiangnya bersih dari iklan! 
Wah wah wah, emang walikota Surabaya yg sekarang cepat tanggap tentang tata kota, tapi saya jd susah ini gimana??

Setelah muterin jalan Dharmawangsa 4kali *kurang 3 kali udah thawaf deh, haji Dharmawangsa*, saya menemukan iklan monitor yg agak utuh *sujud syukur*. Wes wes, dasar iklan tiang. Eh, ini nempel di gardu listrik ding!




entah kenapa, tapi saya jadi tahu muka saya ntar kalo dah emak-emak setelah foto ini. haha.
"Ibu-ibu muda yg lagi nungguin anaknya lomba nyanyi"
-Teetha Kusuma


I Just Want to Help. Period.


This life don’t last forever 
So tell me what we’re waitin’ for 
Better off being together 
Than being miserable alone 

So if you just hold my hand
Baby I promise that I’ll do all I can
Things will get better if you just hold my hand
Nothing can come in between us if you just hold, hold my, hold my, hold my hand.

The nights are getting darker 
And there’s no peace inside 
So why make our lives harder
By fighting love, tonight.

Cause I’ve been there before
And you’ve been there before
together we can be alright.
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can just hold each other till we see the sunlight

Pardon of my bloody bastard mouth which can't control my eagerness, curiousity, worry, love or anything. I just spit it out. No filter, no double thought.
If it already hurt you, sorry.




"Mirror mirror on the wall, 
who's the most desperate social climbers of all?" 
-Outrageous ads.