
Wrap The Holiday!


How about your holiday, fellas? Mine was great. It is my first Eid el Fithri with my hubby, doing the real "mudik" from Jogja to Surabaya and Mojosari by train, thinking about the budget for this holiday, etc.
Tugu Station, Jogjakarta. Waiting Sancaka. 
Rendy helping Abhi with Animallion. Animal Batallion. =D
Going home always growing spirit, reminding me about dreams that I should pursue, then synchronized it with new dreams that I had with my own family now. =)

Anyway, today I cooked Nasi Uduk. It's the second actually, but I still amazed with the magic of the process. I can't believe these tiny spices could turn my ordinary rice into delicious rice. Yummy! 
The spices
I use 1 piece of galangal, 1 stalk lemongrass, 3 bay leaves, a pinch of coriander, salt, and coconut milk. I use as much as 350 grams of rice menthik, 435 ml of water and 65 ml coconut milk (1 sachet of instant coconut milk). Grind coriander and salt, mixed with coconut milk. Wash the rice, and mix all the spices and water, put in the rice cooker. When it is half cooked, open the lid, stir the rice then closed again. Let it cooked and you've got your delicious Nasi Uduk! 




Kata Quraish Shihab 2 hari yang lalu, bersyukur itu tidak hanya berterima kasih. Bersyukur: selalu menganggap pemberian yang sedikit itu sudah terlampau banyak dan selalu merasa baru memberi sedikit meski secara jumlah sudah cukup banyak. 

Akhirnya sore kemarin saya berhasil menyampaikan salam seorang teman kepada Ibu dan keluarga. Alhamdulillah, saya tidak sampai menangis. Teman ini sudah cukup dekat dengan keluarga, sehingga ketika mendengar kabar keberhasilannya melewati skripsi, sidang dan revisi, Ibu mengucap syukur berkali-kali. Berarti ia akan lulus, wisuda, kembali ke tanah kelahirannya. Dan saya akan kehilangan kehadiran teman terbaik saya.

Kanti, namanya. Pertama kali mengenal karena ia mengikuti proses pendadaran unit kegiatan mahasiswa Sinematografi tahun 2007. Saya yang merancang dan menjalankan program itu, dan jadi orang tergalak buat peserta saat itu. Tepat setahun kemudian, Kanti menjalankan peran yang sama. Lebih galak tapi, dibanding saya. Hehe. Mimpi (ter)buruk bagi peserta (dan panitia) pendadaran mungkin untuk tahun kemarin. Saya dan Kanti sama-sama hadir, dan jadi duet maut senior cewek tergalak mungkin sepanjang sejarah. Maaf ya. =D

ki-ka: Saya dan Kanti ngecek tingkat kekuningan lidah. Wek!
Banyak yang bilang sifat saya dan Kanti mirip: keras kepala, keras, ekspresif. Iya sih, memang. Tetapi bukan sifat-sifat itu yang membuat pertemanan ini menjadi rapat. Terus terang dan logis. Itu. Mau kami tengkar sehebat apa pun (iya, kami juga bertengkar), akan mudah mereda ketika penjelasan-penjelasannya berterima dengan akal. Mau sesakit apa kata-kata atau nasehat yang terlontar satu sama lain, akan diakui karena kenyataan yang terjadi sama pahitnya. 

Kadang saya sempat kesal juga pada Tuhan, kenapa Ia mempertemukan saya dengan orang-orang yang tidak bisa saya temui lagi, tidak diberi kesempatan untuk membalas kebaikan mereka. Kanti misalnya, sejak awal kenal, ketika saya tanya tentang rencana hidupnya, dengan mantap dijawab akan kembali dan berkarya di Pekanbaru. Tinggal, menetap, berkeluarga dan berumah tangga di sana. Sejak saat itu pula saya sadar bahwa pertemanan pun sepertinya punya masa tayang. Terbatas.

Namun saya sepertinya lupa diri. Jika diingat-ingat, saya juga meninggalkan teman-teman saya di Tulangan, di Mojosari, bahkan juga yang di Surabaya, karena sekarang saya tinggal di Yogyakarta. Mungkin juga ada teman saya yang dulu juga kecewa, ketika saya seharusnya bisa membantu, menghibur atau sekedar berbagi tawa, tapi saya tidak ada di situ. Maaf. 

Pertemuan - perpisahan, asing kemudian saling kenal, sekarang saya sadar betul kewajaran peristiwa ini dalam alur hidup. Dan harusnya saya mulai belajar bersyukur. Berterima kasih karena 5 tahun berselang, dengan berbagai momentum [saya lulus, kerja, gaji pertama, lamaran, menikah, Kanti pacaran, putus, digebet banyak cowok, ga ada satupun yang jadi, ups!] hingga hal-hal wajar sehari-hari [nyulik Kanti buat brunch di cak Sandi, mendadak nonton di Lenmarc yang jauh minta ampun, nonton gigs, nggosip, berlama-lama di toko buku atau toko grosir, blablabla. Maturnuwun sanget Gusti. 

Dan sekarang harus belajar untuk merasa bahwa saya masih belum memberikan apa-apa sebagai rasa syukur itu sendiri. Belajar menggunakan berbagai upaya agar pertemanan ini terjalin. Belajar berusaha, untuk membuat teman-teman saya tidak kehilangan dan tetap menganggap saya sebagai temannya. Bismillah. 
Kembaran ciput. =D
PS: Saya dan Rendy sedang mudik ke Surabaya. Pulang. Happy Eid! =*


Make It Stick!


Have you ever tried "wall sticker"? You know, the sticker to be put on the wall to decorate your room/home more (like the picture below). Nowadays, it's kind of happening here. At least in online shops which spread in Facebook and successfully made me drooling and want to try it in my home. I've already contacted the seller to ask the availability. Lucky me, several of my choices didn't available. Why do I said so? Because the next day I went to SunMor market (an abbreviation of Sunday Morning) in Gajah Mada University's valley, and I found several wall sticker sellers there! With same products, same designs as the online shop sells. 
taken from Qiew Shop catalog

I bought some of it and try to apply as soon as I can. Surprisingly, it demands a lot of patient and thoroughness because the material very thin, as weary as a layer of pastry. It could easily tore and my fingers sometimes too emotional. Hehe. 

Because of my less calculated brain for the spatial, my wall still look empty after I stuck the sticker. Whatever. I still have my [so-called] living room to decorate. Yay! 
Pardon the difference of paint and sticker's background. =P


Making Love Out of Nothing At All


It's been several day, where "Making Love Out of Nothing At All" (MLOoNAA) aired in our home again and again. Hehe. Not the old Air Supply original version, but Regina (Indonesian Idol 2012 winner) feat Judika. I don't know who the vocal director is, but s/he successfully turned the song into perfect duet song. Four thumbs up!

Personally, I always love songs with beautiful lyric. MLOoNAA [what an abbreviation, haha] captured me at the first time just by its words. Definitely lovely. 
I like to scrutinize the style of the lyric writing too. It boasts in the beginning, but suddenly give a paradoxical twist at the middle. It doubled the romantic & poetic effect. Just read the song leisurely, and hear the song for make it complete. =)

I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where to find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream

And I know just where to touch you
And I know just what to prove
I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose
And I know the night is fading
And I know the time's gonna fly
And I'm never gonna tell you
Everything I gotta tell you
But I know I gotta give it a try

And I know the roads to riches
And I know the ways to fame
I know all the rules
And I know how to break 'em
And I always know the name of the game

But I don't know how to leave you
And I'll never let you fall
And I don't know how you do it
Making love out of nothing at all

Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun
Are streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes
Like a spotlight

The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost
And it's looking for a rhythm like you
You can take the darkness from the pit of the night
And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright

I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I know
Well it's nothing till I give it to you