
Dimples Couple


I can't help my tears for coming out when I watched last episode of Leeteuk & Kang Sora (We Got Married, Korean variety show). They really matched each other. Even with the parents. T_T
Aren't they cute? Just as a fairytale couple..
TeukSo at their school date, when Sora plays "Summer" for Teuk-ssi. Fave!
I've already told you about WGM earlier in here and here. I always love how this shows taught me on how you should and should not treat your spouse. After a round up, it's always sincerity as the most important thing in relationship. 
Well, Dimples couple, I'll miss both of you!


My First Rainbow Cake!


It's not because of last Masterchef Indonesia's challenge which make the participants should make a rainbow cake. I have a willing to make it since a long time ago, before married, when Rendy want to try but cancelling because trying to save more pennies to our marriage. Well, the second reason why I try to bake (steam, actually) the cake is NCCRainboweeks that just passed 2 weeks ago. You could visit their blog and start drooling, haha.

I found NCC (Natural Cooking Club), as a community where I would join happily. They share and encourage each other for having new invention and creation in any cooking experience. Just imagine, how 9.000's food & cooking enthusiasts gathered and emerged.  I've registered but haven't approved by the administrator. Hiks. =(

Anyway, here it is. I am not satisfied yet, but the taste is beyond my expectation and I'm really happy. I almost could not believe, how this cake with the dimension 15cmx15cmx17,5cm only need 38.000 IDR/4 USD for all of the ingredients! I should learn cooking more and more... 
Decoration inspired by the fact that Rendy is Slank fans and an activist. Hehe.

The color of red layer didn't come out well...


QoTD: Have You?


"It is one of the beautiful compensations in this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. "


Senpai's Wedding!


Hari Minggu kemaren (9/9), pertama kalinya saya menghadiri pernikahan alias kondangan, setelah pernikahan saya sendiri. mas Agyl --yang kakak kelas di kelas Akselerasi dan adik bungsu dari sahabat dekat saya, pak Ardhy-- menggenapkan separuh diennya dengan mbak Isti. Beruntung, karena rumah mbak Isti di Semanu, Gunung Kidul, saya jadi bisa menghadiri momen indah ini. 

Berbekalkan peta undangan, arahan Google Maps serta sebotol air minum, pukul setengah sepuluh saya dan Rendy bersemangat menempuh perjalanan. Tiga puluh empat kilo sekian meter. Itu yang tertulis di layar laptop untuk memperkirakan jarak Banguntapan-Semanu. Santai lah, itung-itung jalan-jalan... Tak disangka ternyata rute yang mendaki dan belokan tajam berulang kali muncul dan bikin deg-degan. Apalagi setelah botol air minum kami jatuh karena cantolannya putus. Hampir satu jam perjalanan hingga kami menemukan alun-alun Wonosari, yang berarti tujuan sudah dekat. Sempat nyasar sebentar, tapi akhirnya sampai dengan selamat.
Sejak dulu setiap lihat berita di televisi, daerah Gunung Kidul selalu ditampilkan dengan kekeringan, gersang. Kali ini saya menyaksikan sendiri, ternyata memang kering, tanahnya gradasi dari putih, abu hingga coklat muda karena didominasi oleh kapur. Tetapi entah, kawasan karst ini menurut saya eksotis. Andai saya punya kamera yang ciamik, rasanya sepanjang jalan ingin berhenti berkali-kali mengabadikan pemandangan yang seksi. Dan herannya, angin yang berhembus terasa sejuk, padahal mentari sedang terik-teriknya. 

Tanah Gunung Kidul
Saya sempat #salahfokus ketika tiba di lokasi. Mata ini langsung berbinar melihat bagaimana dekor, katering,   sudut hiburan ditata sedemikian rupa. Maklum, melankolis, yang diperhatikan malah detil-detil seupil. Pesta atau jamuan pernikahan di tiap daerah selalu menarik untuk diamati (dan dinikmati). Tetapi, saya kemudian benar-benar #salahfokus ketika melihat bagaimana acara ini didokumentasikan. Sebagai alumni UKM kebanggaan: Sinematografi UA, saya tertegun beberapa saat melihat body pod dipadu camera (dolly) track slider untuk merekam "sine-manten". Mantab!

The video-grapher (Jm Tod) troops (photo: his courtesy)
Ketika pulang, saya meminta kepada Rendy untuk rehat sejenak di Bukit Bintang. Selain meregangkan otot-otot yang lumayan kaku, penasaran juga mengapa daerah ini jadi tempat jujugan muda-mudi berwisata. Ternyata letak Bukit Bintang memang pas untuk melihat lalu lintas perkotaan yang bagaikan miniatur jika dipandang dari sini. Udara bersih, minuman segar, juga tangan kekasih(ku) di genggaman. 
#asyeeekk =D

Negeri Tanpa Tepi
Oh iya, tulisan tentang pernikahan tanpa foto pengantin rasanya tidak tepat. Ini dia kedua mempelai. Sekali lagi, barakallah mas Agyl & mbak Isti! 

(photo by Emha Bayu Miftahullatif)


I am Not Half Awake


I've already had my umpteenth time of hearing the same question: 
are you conscious enough for marrying him/her?

If you are a newlywed, or having friend/relatives whose just married, I bet you will hear this often too. Many people used to have a joke by saying this. It's quite funny at the first, because then the dirty little secret about the spouse will leaked out. Old friends will say that he's so naughty in the past, very nosy, or she's a nonstop chatterbox, eating like a monster, etc. But when the conversation goes further, when the questions flare, you really don't know how does it start and something could suddenly burnt. Perhaps someone's heart, mind, or the worst, friendship and another kind relationship.

It really becomes not funny at all when question with "superlative and comparative form" comes out. She is too beautiful for you (with uproar laughing), he is too handsome for you (with frowning forehead and wide smile), blablabla. You probably could say that "he's really lucky to have her", as I really sure another people who know the groom better will say vice versa. I could accept sarcasm, but mockery is really not my cup of tea. *shrug*

Somehow, in my opinion, questioning about people's consideration at marriage is weird. I thought, every people just agreed about the weight of marriage commitment, even people who choose for not being married. It becomes silly. Of course, they didn't sleep when they choose to say "I do". I believe that a man and woman who mentally healthy, will do several deep thoughts before their marriage. Let's respect each other as a human being, a creature with mind and feeling, who could think and decide the best path for themselves. 

Maybe, this writing sounds angry. Not really. I just want to speak out my mind, nothing more. Kisses!