


*karena pertimbangan beberapa istilah yang saya yakin saya ga tau Inggrisnya, maka mari berbahasa Indonesia yang kurang baik dan kurang benar. hehehe*

Sudah lama sebetulnya, saya ditagih sama Rendy untuk membuatkan masakan untuknya. Tersebab, saya sering berkoar-koar tentang kemampuan masak saya. =D Spesialisasi sih di cookies, schotel, pasta, pokoknya makanan ringan atau pun cemilan. Pastinya bukan lauk pauk, main dishes dan sebangsanya. Nah, usut punya usut, makanan-makanan favorit saya itu bukan favorit Rendy. Haissh!

Rabu kemaren, di rumah ada pengajian. Ibu menyuruh saya pulang. Ada bakso segentong loh, kamu ga mau bantuin makan? Saya tahu betul kalau ibu pasti memesan bakso Solo Mbak Umi untuk konsumsi pengajian. Hmm, menuliskan namanya udah bikin kelenjar ludah saya bekerja. Bakso ini kondang di Mojosari dan sekitarnya. Dan kebetulan Mbak Umi ini tetangga saya dan juga muridnya Ibu. Ketika Ibu yang pesan, pasti baksonya berlebih. Nyam!

Saya pun pulang. Bantuin ibu beres-beres setelah pengajian. Nyuci piring segambreng. Tidur lebih awal dan keesokan harinya terbangun dengan ide brilian: masak buat Rendy ah! =D Memang benar baksonya berlebih, dan saya berpikir, masakan apa aja pasti enak soalnya bahan dasarnya udah enak. Hahaha *tawa kemenangan*

Buka kulkas, eh ga ada bahan lain yang representatif buat menemani si pentol bakso yang akan diolah. Cuma ada tempe 2 kotak. Konsultasi bentar ama Ibu tentang ide masakan, kira-kira bumbunya apa yang cocok. Okeh! Saya siap untuk masak! *pasang ikat kepala*
bahan-bahannya nih..
300-350gr pentol bakso, iris dengan ketebalan 0.5 cm
2 kotak/1 papan tempe, iris dadu
6 siung bawang putih, iris tipis
8 siung bawang merah, iris tipis
5 buah cabe/sesuai selera, iris
2 lonjor daun bawang, dirajang kasar
2 iris selebar ibu jari, jahe & lengkuas, geprek dengan separuh tenaga (ini serius, jangan sampai hancur)
2 sendok makan saus tiram
2 lembar daun jeruk purut
2 lembar daun salam
garam, gula dan air secukupnya

Cara membuat:
Goreng pentol bakso dalam minyak yang panas, bolak-balik bakso terus menerus hingga keemasan. Tiriskan & sisihkan. 
Tumis bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan bawang merah, cabe, daun bawang. Tumis hingga layu. Masukkan saus tiram, daun jeruk, daun salam. Tumis sebentar agar merata. Masukkan bakso & tempe. Aduk rata. Masukkan air hingga bahan-bahan tenggelam. Biarkan hingga air menyusut. Ketika mulai menyusut, masukkan garam secukupnya. Ini perkara krusial. Saya icipin dengan hati-hati dan teliti biar ga keasinan dan dianggap minta kawin! =D 
(tapi saya mau lho, segera juga gakpapa, jangan salah arti ya sayang.. =P)

Nah, ketika masak ini, dan air mulai menyusut, saya mengernyitkan dahi melihat makanan ini. Waduh, kok warnanya pucat dan tidak menggairahkan gini. Saya baru sadar kalau tidak ada bahan makanan yang berwarna atau berpotensi membuat warna dominan. 
Saya pun sms ibu: 
"Mom, apa ini ga dikasih kecap ya? Warnanya pucat & jelek lho"
Ibu: "Jangan lupa masukin saus tiramnya"
Saya: "Sudah. Kalau dikasih kecap gimana?"
Ibu: "Tambahin air, biarkan menyusut"

Walah, pertanyaan intinya malah ga dijawab. Dengan meneguhkan keyakinan saya akhirnya memilih memasukkan kecap untuk menggantikan gula. Saya hanya memasukkan sedikit, agar rasa dan aroma saus tiramnya tidak terkalahkan oleh kecap. Dengan sedikit saja, warnanya pun turut berubah! Yes! Berhasiil!
Voila! Hmmm.. namanya apa yaa? =D
iyaa, saya tahu penampilannya kurang oke, tapi rasanya deliciouso kok! =P
Sorenya, sebelum les bahasa Perancis saya mampir di rumah Rendy untuk memberikannya. Rendy kaget banget dan langsung berseri-seri waktu nerima. Saya pun berangkat dengan hati berdebar-debar. Suka ga ya, suka ga ya? Lewat sms, dia bilang kalo masakannya enak. Mamanya juga nyobain, bilang enak juga. Menurut mamah Wid, kurang kecap dikit. Dibelain Rendy kalau saya memang ga begitu suka manis. Aahh... senang. Mission, accomplished! 

Karena masakan ini belum ada namanya, sama mamah Wid dikasih nama: Oseng-oseng Tempe Bakso. 
Then, this is it, Oseng-oseng Tempe Bakso a la Chef Vinka! 


QoTD: Thanks Dieu, I'm Surrounded by Much Much Much Love.


"Do not pity the dead, Harry,  
pity the living. 
Above all pity those who live without love."

Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


watched HarrPott 7B (3D) at Lenmarc, mall which had best architecture in Surabaya (IMO, hehe)


QoTD: Easy Von..


“There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; 
there is only the comparison of one state to another, nothing more. 
He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. 
We must have felt what it is to die, 
that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.
 Alexandre Dumas
Picture taken at Batu Secret Zoo, my sister's photo session. No editing.


Last Weekend: Salted Egg(s), Prize & Demian


Last weekend was great for me. My boyfie came back from Lombok. He brought several souvenirs for me, songket and beautiful bracelet. Ah, several ideas just popped out. I thought the songket will be fabulous in cape or simple jacket. Hmmm... ;-) Thanks a lot Cikuuu!
Friday night, me and my boyfie tried the newest mall in town (yes, it's a mall again): Ciputra World. It has cinema with half price. =D From the outside, it looks superb. But after trying so hard for finding The XXI, we surprised. I thought the mall shouldn't open at that time. It still has a lot of workers built the restaurant, tenants. It has a lot of dust. I should covering my mouth, prevented asthma. =s

Dusty road to cinema
When the cinema found, it looks like a magic tunnel. From a ruined place into shangrila.. Pardon my exaggeration. =P  The cinema was fine. Of course, you could smell the fresh painted wall, the glue of the carpet. But it is tolerable regarding the price. Hehehe. 

After watched the movie, we went downstairs and found the opening ceremonial just started. We stopped by. Luckily, it has a magician as the entertainment. Rendy loved magic trick, so we decide to stop longer. And the magician was Demian! Sempoaaa! =D
Demian's first game/trick was Russian Roulette. I told my boyfie that I want to participate. He prohibited me. He asked why, and I just said: why not? Hehehe. Just my luck, I was decided. *big grin*
At the beginning
I should choose one sack with the knife in it!
At the stage, I just couldn't help for not laughing. I'm sure, the trick will work and I won't endangered any one. But still, I felt nervous too and try to hush it away with laughing. I succeeded, fyi. And I got a complimentary package from Ciputra World! Yeay! I got small Lock&Lock, a bottle of jasmine tea Futami17, a magazine InStyle Indonesia, and a bunch of vouchers of Ciputra World's tenant. This is what I really love from quiz/game: the prize. =D

Saturday night, we spent in another mall, Grand City. No particular reason, just try to find a place with a space to bear. In Tunjungan Plaza, there is actually Magnum Cafe, but TP in Saturday is unbearable. Lucky us, in GrandCi there was LA Light Streetball and the exhibition of agriculture & agribusiness in its convex. I bought local delicious salted egg (boiled and roasted). It does really delicious. I start salivating now because typing it. =9

And we end up watching people in ice-skating area. Just sat, talked about nothing to something. Yada, yada. Mm, I wish this weekend will come sooner. =*
watching & observing
Rendy tambah genduuuut! Yeay! Berhasil! =D
*if you notice, I change my hijab style. Hehe. Inspired by Dian Pelangi. I feel comfort & love it!


QoTD: The Motto


while finding data for work's task, 
I found inspirational Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto's motto:
Creer... Crear... Crecer...
To believe... To create... To grow...


My Sister's Wedding: Day 1 #night


*thanks to Mbak Nana for reminding me write this post, and still continuing it. =D

June 4th, mid-day.

Yay! One of the biggest thing today had already done. Then I thought we could celebrate it in an easy way: sitting a while, eat a lot. But my presume was all wrong. Just in a minute my mom's friend came in packs and I should do the sweet talks, serve the meals, bla-bla, yada-yada. My mom is a principal in elementary school, then her friends off course came from all elementary school in district(s). They prefer to go to my house in Saturday noon, straight from the school, after their works. That's why mom's friend was like a river in rainy season at that time: nonstop.

I gave myself a break in 4.30pm. Took a bath, and lying down for an hour. It's quite enough to recharge my energy because the night will be loooong! First, walimatul 'urusy. I don't know exactly which culture raised this event. In moslem, parents have a duty to told everyone (in a neighborhood) which their daughter had already married and introduce the groom. So if the groom will be around the bride's house, it won't be any slander among them. Walimatul 'urusy will be full of pray, speech for the bride & groom. 
My happy sister & brother in law
In walimatul 'urusy, as a grateful expression of parents, the guess will get a "sayatan". It is javanese. In indonesian, it means slice. Sayatan consists of complete food (rice, chicken/beef, vegetables) and sometimes some cake/dessert. Sayatan had already developed nowadays. Thirty years ago, in villages of Java, sayatan wrapped in banana leaves. But now it does really developed, you could see below:
Look at them, they're cute! ^__^
Walimatul 'urusy went well. Alhamdulillah. Then, the next agenda was preparing for tomorrow. Wedding stage & the decoration of catering were prepared at the night. And.... it's just over at 4am. I just watch over the preparation. I do really really could not imagine how tomorrow will be going.... Oahm.


My Google Plus!


Cieeeeh.... Finally, I got into Google Plus. New thing to try.
A new home to bear.
Do you want to be invited?


Naik Kelas


Juni pun lalu. Bulan yg saya sukai. 
Juli telah hadir, dan seharusnya saya sudah tidur dari tadi. Tapi entah, badan yg capai ini tak mau kompromi. Kalau belajar untuk acara esok pagi, lampu harus nyala dan akan lebih mustahil untuk lelap. Hanya seluler yg berkedap-kedip. Dan sekejap airmata saya pun meleleh.
Adalah foto di atas yg jadi sebab.
Ia mengingatkan pada sebulan lewat: momen bertambahnya usia dan beberapa peristiwa. Betapa jatuh jerembab hidup yg mesti dilewati.
Betapa celah diri yg tak mau diakui nampak telanjang dan paripurna.
Ada gelak sedih dan tangis gembira.
Ada angkuh yg harus meluruh dan kesahajaan yg didisiplinkan agar mengemuka.

Saya mau naik kelas.
Saya mau belajar ikhlas pada hal-hal yg tak saya relakan.
Saya tak keberatan pada kebahagiaan yg getir dan kesedihan yg satir.
Saya berniat memensiunkan bibir dari kata-kata yg menyakiti.
Berusaha memberhentikan pikiran yg menghakimi.
Sekuat-kuatnya melapangkan hati, melolosi pilar benteng kebebalan. 

Lindungi orang-orang yg saya sayangi dari kejelekan saya sendiri.
Lindungi mereka, lindungi.

Saya mau dan ingin mampu lulus ujian.
Kemudian naik kelas. Hingga tuntas.