Uniquely Designed: SuroBoyo!


Have you heard about my merchandise line before? If you haven't, it's okay, I'll tell you in short. I have worked with my animator partner, Mohammad Sholikin a.k.a Si Ikin in Gathotkaca Studio. We made a short animation movie, which had the local character as the main character: Suro Sudiro & Boyo Digdoyo 
(FYI, Surabaya came from Javanese word Suro & Boyo, in English: Shark & Crocodile).
Thanks to Internet, YouTube and 3gp technology, the video became a local hit and after won several festival, it became a national hit. =)

This is our first episode from the series

Now, we already have the merchandise line to fulfill the requests from our fans. This month, we are preparing for the next episode, titled: Kere T4pi Mbois. The official poster? Check this out.

While we are finishing the movie, we launched the newest design of Suro & Boyo's T-shirt. It is totally cool! Or "Mbois" in our word. =D

Code to request: MG. Left: front side, right: back side.
Code to request: LM. Left: front side, right: back side.
And one of our bestseller is ready on the stock now! Gathotkaca logogram! Hiyei!

Code to request: GK
So, don't bother to send your request to 08563163696
I'll help you to choose which suits you best.
Support your local movie movement. Oke Jeh?

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