
Happy Eid!


Eid prayer always brought a different feeling in its moment.

This year, many new things happened. 
A lot things happened, far away from my life plan, and also my family plan. 
The prayer speech said that we have to be thankful, to every little thing happened, because it always have a purpose, designed by Him, The Almighty. 
If I looked-back, several big plans missed, but many little wishes accomplished. Then, what kind of blessing that I deny? 

Happy Eid, fellas.
Please forgive my bad words, my boring and cheap writing, or anything which offended. 
from left: Mbak At, Mbak May, Bopo & Daiva, me, Mom & Abhi, Mas Fatah. Mas Andre took the picture. 




Baru 2 hari ga ketemu aja udah gini. 
Poyang-payingen kata orang Jawa.
Can't wait the next Friday. 
I'm waiting you right here, cheri! 


Kalo Ga Suka Hadiahnya, Buat Apa?


Minggu lalu, di ruang tengah kos, saya ngobrol ngalor-ngidul dengan Novi a.k.a Ming. Ming ini suka banget ama sinetron, mengikuti beberapa lah minimal. Yang dia paling suka sih Cinta Fitri, tapi sejak pindah stasiun televisi, ceritanya mengalami degradasi, menurut Ming. Nah, yang sedang ada di layar televisi saat itu adalah sinetron "Calon Bini".
 Sinetron produksi PH yang lagi naik daun ini, Screenplay, memang bergenre komedi. Meskipun slapstick, tapi saya masih menolerir karena dialognya tetap tergarap dengan baik. Nah, di saat ngobrol dengan Ming, ada satu scene yang sampai sekarang masih terngiang-ngiang di kepala saya. 

Jadi ceritanya, Akbar (Vino G Bastian), ini sedang menjalani tes dari Pak Said, bosnya yang juga ayah dari tokoh yg diperankan Marissa Nasution (saya lupa namanya, maaf). Nah, Pak Said ini punya hubungan friend or foe dengan Pak Rojak, ayah dari Nurlela (Marsha Timothy). Nurlela dan Marissa sendiri berteman & bersahabat sejak kecil. Celakanya, mereka berdua sama-sama menyukai Akbar. Situasi lain yang juga menjebak adalah, Pak Rojak ini mati-matian membenci & menolak Akbar, perkara pekerjaan dan beberapa hal lain.

Di episode itu, ditunjukkan bagaimana perjuangan Akbar untuk menjalani tes terakhirnya: mendapatkan tanda tangan pengacara Pak Said yang sedang dalam perjalanan menuju bandara, dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam. Singkat cerita, Akbar berhasil mendapatkan tanda tangan tersebut. Di akhir perjalanannya, mendadak pak Rojak menghadang Akbar. Alih-alih menghalangi, ternyata pak Rojak berniat membantu dan menasihati Akbar agar bisa lulus tes ini. Sikap Pak Rojak dapat dimengerti sebenarnya, ia ingin agar Pak Said tidak merasa menang.

Di meeting point, dalam film ini adalah lapangan kampung, tokoh-tokoh itu berkumpul, menanti Akbar. Karena Akbar berhasil, ia pun dinyatakan lulus tes dan dapat naik jabatan ke level managerial oleh Pak Said. Sebagai respon keberhasilannya, Akbar langsung melamar Nurlela saat itu juga. Nurlela menerima dengan gembira, Pak Rojak meloncat-loncat heboh. Ia merasa menang dari Pak Said, karena Akbar lebih memilih Nurlela dibanding Marissa. Percakapan yang jadi topik di kepala saya adalah berikut ini:

Yeyeye, akhirnya Akbar milih anak gue. Gue menang kali ini. Udah deh Id, ga usah sedih-sedih.. (tertawa)
Iya Pak Rojak. Selamat untuk Nurlela atas lamaran Akbar. Mungkin kali ini Pak Rojak memang menang, tapi jika Pak Rojak membenci hadiahnya, lalu buat apa? (tersenyum)
Saya pamit dulu Pak Rojak, assalamu'alaikum.
(terlongong-longong) .... iye juge ye, masak gue terima lamarannye.. (muka bingung)

Saya otomatis tertawa terpingkal-pingkal. Aish, mantap sekali ini yang garap naskah. Secara otomatis di kepala saya terdengar Jojo bernyanyi..

....But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real
It doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)
Love is not (ever) a trophy anyway... =)


QoTD: =)


"There Will Be No Spotlight If You Stop Now"

-- Hong Seung Sung's book title, CUBE Entertainment CEO


What Game Is It?


Tonight, while I opened my browser (I use Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 10), there was a link with a question popped out: Want to know how your Web look like?

I thought the Web was my website, blog or another kind of that things. But it doesn't. I don't know exactly what it is, but the link brought me to I took the quiz and got the results. Funny, it's like a kokology for web browser. Every thing pinned there symbolize something. This is my result:

 There are different explanation for every thing which put there. It's just for fun. The examples:

Pop Magazine

Why, look at you. Clearly, you bear the mark of The Fierce. You know what's hot, but rock your own style, and can dance on that fine line that separates dandy from dowdy.

Memory Card

Behold, The Memory — life is your field of study. You hunger for new thinking, knowledge and information. You know how get it, and how to hold on to it.


Eat my dust! I'm bumping up my browsing into hyperdrive and leaving lesser browsers behind..

This is my favorite one:

Action Figure

A significant cultural heroic icon looms large in your inner nerd psyche.
Embrace it. 
(We really don't want to get into the whole trademark thing, OK?)


Photo Box (?)


As our 7 months celebration, yesterday, me & Rendy planned for watching Fast Five. He had a meeting in Ketintang, so we planned the nearest mall (Royal Plaza) as our movie harbor. Unlucky us, the ticket sold out and the level of crowded-mess touched the boiling points. I, personally, never like a crowd place. I could feel dizzy and unwell in a second. I asked Rendy to get out as soon as possible. 

At the middle of finding the way out of the mall, Rendy stopped and said: "How about (took a picture in) photo box?". It's a thing which merely couldn't called as a box, because the background is a curtain made by vinyl. People outside could see our feet (people inside). I didn't think and directly say yes with laugh over and over. Its price: 13000 rupiahs for 8 pose. Wow. 

The next surprise was: It is actually a PC, connected with a camera pocket. Do you know how to operate/how we could start take a picture? The shop-attendant asked me to move backward a little, gave a PC-mouse (yes, like what we have at home) and said: "If you ready to take a picture, you do left-click. If you want to cancel, right-click. I did laugh harder than before. =D
Thanks God the result was great.




I'm really addicted to these things lately:
1. Sedaris, Sedaris, and Sedaris. 
It's like found a treasure in corner of my room and in the local library (c2o). Oh yes, I should eat all of his 3 books soon! Munch munch munch!

2. Hello Baby - Shinee series
Yeah, I know it's been released a year ago in Korea, but I just know it from Poet and can't stop watching it everyday. Yoogeun-a... Shinee appa saranghae.... =* =*

3. Family Vintage Photos
Am trying to dig the memories in my family to participate in Scott Schuman's vintage photo project. It's quite late, but I saw no Asian vintage photo there. So I thought my young fashionisto father style or my mom's simple style will be great to be shared. Wish me luck! *crossed-finger*

4. Double B: Brown & Bieber!
Play, re-playing, re-playing this song again and again.....
...You had my child,
You make my life complete.
Just to have your eyes on little me,
That’d be mine forever...

One day when the sky is falling,
I’ll be standing right next to you,
Right next to you...

5. Still and always will be: Cheri!
Got social with his click, circle. Vice versa. It went smooth and I guess the smoothness erase my fear. Alhamdulillah yaa.. *SyahriniStyle* *wink-wink*


#realswag (!)


"Those who like me raise your hand, 
those who don't raise your standards"
--retweeting from @sheilajunniar


Teen-agers Which Made Me Jealous! =D


Tavi Gevinson (15 yo)
 Evita Nuh (12 yo)
Sonia Eryka Moe (16 yo)

The Tapiheru's: Gamaliel (19 yo) & Audrey (16 yo)
This is their best mash-up for me. Awesome!

Boyfriend: All are teen, except Kim Donghyun.
The "Bieber-ian" cuteness multiplied 6 times! >,<

"Don't just look at her A-list family. 'Cause she is more than a confident, bold and talented girl we know. We should see how this Willow Camille Reign Smith be a big star on her own. And we're about to say that she's definitely the coolest 11 year-old girl around!"
-- Gogirl! Magazine, August 2011

Abigail Breslin (15 yo)
Little Miss Sunshine, Definitely Maybe, My Sister Keeper

Chloe Grace Moretz (14 yo)
(500) Days of Summer, Kick-Ass, Let Me In

Yes, I envy them & they inspired me a lot! 
They could do it in a very early age, why shouldn't I? =)


My Favorite Things Lately


Favest Music Album(s) to play:
Adele - 21
Beast/B2ST - name it, I love them all! =D (I'm officially a B2UTY! Kekeke)

Favest Blog

Favest Dance
Hyunseung & Prepix Ill
(Yes, he's B2ST member. The most elastic and beautiful voice owner.
Hyunseong oppa!)
My favorite hero in HarrPott 7B:
Neville Longbottom!
Matthew Lewis..
Look how grown up he is. >,<

My Favorite Photo
still, this "mayu-mayu" pict is the best ="> (by Yanuar Satria)

hot chocolate and mint: Two And A Half Cents


Can't agree more with Diana's words. Read This!

hot chocolate and mint: Two And A Half Cents: "I really don't like TV shows that focus on low-income families and treat these families as somewhat entertainment-commodities. One of said s..."




Heboh nonton Manchester City vs Manchester United malam ini sama Bopo >>
Me : Bop, ini yang bakal menang sapa yak?
Bopo : Manchester lah! 
Me : Ya eyaalah, kan dua-duanya Manchesterrr.... =| 

Bopo : kamu ndak menthong (supper, in english) ta? 
Me : Hmm, ndak wes.. Ntar tambah gendut.
Bopo : Hlooo.. nanti kamu ketularan Rendy lo. Kurus kering. 
Me : (ke dapur) (nyambel teri ijo) =P

Aish, he still handsome from later on.. =)


Dua Minggu Terakhir


Yang selalu menyejukkan dari pulang ke rumah adalah perasaan damai. Dalam rumah ini rasanya saya sebenar-benar aman. Safe and sound. Dunia yang kadang culas tak mampu menembus pertahanan rumah penuh cinta ini. Ada bopo yang bijaksana tapi juga manja. Ibu yang ceriwis tapi menenangkan. Rumah selalu punya ruang untuk saya sejenak menata kembali mimpi yang lebih tinggi, dan menjaga agar kaki saya tetap menjejak tanah di saat yang bersamaan. Setiap momen di rumah rasanya mampu jadi jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tersisa. Pun malam ini.

Ramadhan di rumah berarti tarawih teratur di masjid yang agak jauh dari rumah. Setiap malamnya selalu ada taushiyah singkat. Malam ini nasihatnya seperti busur panah di arena olimpiade: melesat jitu. 

"Ketergesa-gesaan adalah bisikan dari setan. Bersabarlah. 
Sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang-orang yang sabar."

Ya, sepertinya saya berproses untuk menjadi orang yang sabar dua minggu terakhir ini. Entah terkait atau tidak, saya sekarang tersenyum simpul tiap melihat & mendengar bagian terakhir iklan televisi Mizone. 

".... kalo Elo, ngapain?
"Belajar sabar.."


His Birthday


Yesterday was Rendy's birthday. 
My birthday present was already given last week. So, I thought for giving a surprise for him as the celebration. =) Coordinating with his mama and his sister, it run well. Having a dinner or break-fasting in his home. I enjoyed of preparing it with mamah Wid, chit chatting about many things, included our love-letter. ="> Embarrassed but feeling light to laugh it together. Had a progress with having conversation more than 3 sentences with his papa. =D 

I hope I could accompanying him through his every age-changing, as long as possible. =)


Marhaban ya Ramadhan...


Alhamdulillah, I could meet the holy month this year. 
Many things changed than last year. I hope everything will be better. 
I'll try harder to be punctual and do as much ibada (worship) as I could do.
As the beginning, let's quoting one verse of my Qur'an reading. It's still on the first juz, talked about Bani Israil.
 "Thenceforth were your hearts hardened: They became like a rock and even worse in hardness. For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send forth water; and others which sink for fear of God. And God is not unmindful of what ye do."
(Al Baqarah: 74)

Na'udzubillah min dzalik. Hope the light upon me and every people I loved and the softness of heart, clear mind for receiving the enlightment. Amen. 
Anyway, happy fasting all! 
skirt worn as dress -- pardon for the cut foot =D